Planned workshops
At the moment we are still trying to reschedule the European workshop tours canceled due the COVID19 crisis and organising new European workshop tours for 2023-2024-2025.
- The 2020-05 & 06: Workshop tour Budapest-Bucharest-Thessaloniki-Sofia was canceled due COVID 19
- The March 2020 Iberian workshop tour (Sevilla-Evora-Porto) was canceled after last day in Sevilla due COVID 19
November -December 2021, Brussels, workshop
Finally also ATPS (Association de Technicien·ne·s Professionnel·le·s du Spectacle), in cooperation with Théâtre National, could organise in Brussels a 5-day workshop for the French-speaking colleagues in Belgium, in Studio of the Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, a performance space with a playing area of 16m wide and 12m deep. This workshop was supported by “FONDS 304, information, formation et accompagnement des métiers du spectacle” for lifelong learning.
On 3 December this workshop ended with a public presentation. Unfortunately, it was also a period when started a new COVID variant that apparently put off the public, as besides the 12 participants of the workshop only about thirty persons showed up.
January 2021, Antwerp, workshop
In September 2020 we could finally collect our workshop materials abandoned in Sevilla in March 2020. From 5 to 7 January 2021 we had a workshop for 5 theatre technicians in the Arenberg Theatre in Antwerp, Belgium. This was the first workshop on a more theatre professional playing area of 12 to 8 meter. We were able to do the degrading drum exercise on a floor of down folded stage elements forming an area of 10 to 3 meter. New guiding rails had to be made for it and the rigging had to bridge a 17cm height difference between stage elements and stage floor. This workshop was done “Corona-proof” and without a public presentation.
March 2020, Sevilla, Workshop
At the Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de Sevilla 8 students and 3 professors attended. In this workshop we also introduced and experimented for the first time with a traveling turntable. At the very end of this workshop, no time left to break down the setup and all materials used had to be temporarily abandoned in the closed school, awaiting better times for recuperation.
June 2019, Berlin, Demonstration Stage|Set|Scenery
During this Stage|Set|Scenery trade fair, we presented several times a day the advantages and inspiration that can be gained from the understanding of heritage theatre technical equipment.
May 2019, Göteborg, Workshop
At the YRGO, högre yrkesutbildning Göteborg, we had 16 attendants working in different groups on different technics. For the alternative elevator system a standalone structure has been introduced successfully where two side elevators counterweighted a central elevator.
2018 Cardiff, Workshop
In 2018, during OISTAT’s 50 year celebration at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama in Cardiff, Wales, for the first time an experimental workshop “Heritage Theatre Technology in Contemporary Scenography” was organised by Jerome Maeckelbergh, who switched from working with his 1/10 scale model of a heritage theatre under-stage to a workshop with full-sized experiments, using contemporary low-budget materials for creating alternatives for this versatile historic theatre technology without the need of a heritage under-stage. This makes it useful for any performance space, even in open air.
The making of …
The final presentation